Greetings fellow members and friends!

Gina Gia, San Jose in U.S.A, Initiated in May, 2004


“Who am I?” “What am I?” “What is my purpose here?” These questions have passed through your minds, I’m sure, just as they have passed through mine. I hope you and I will seek the answers to these questions in the spirit of discernment, love, and universal truth.
 Hi, my name is Gina Guia, and I am a fledgling student of Jeung San Do. I was introduced to the teachings of the Dojeon at Sky Martial Arts Center in Los Angeles just a couple months ago. I am a martial arts student and a spiritual seeker. When I heard that there would be a meditation class at my school, I immediately decided to attend. Recently, I was fortunate enough to be invited by my school’s founder, Grandmaster Kim Do Yun (9th degree Black Belt, founder of the World Ho Shin Moo Do sociation) to attend an instructional seminar about the Dojeon, taught by Jaenam Kim from New York, a Jeung San Do member since 1987.
 I attended the seminar with hardly any knowledge of the teachings. Consequently, I was overwhelmed by even the tiny portions of the teachings that I encountered at that first meeting. In spite of this, I gained an insight that sparked in me a desire to impetuously dive into the practice and teachings of Jeung San Do. (They don’t call me spontaneous for nothing!) A gate opened and I glimpsed the ancient teachings of the five elements, the cosmic principle, the framework of the universe, Sahng-jeh-nim and Tae-mo-nim and I felt my spiritual path unwinding and leading into the depths. Meditating to prepare for the cosmic autumn led me to delve into early morning meditations and experience what I am capable of. Not only will the meditation heal me, it will heal heaven, earth, and humanity. It’s noble, not just meditating for myself but also for the good of others.
 Introducing this knowledge to other communities through mantra meditation, storytelling, or Tai Chi has given me a Universal Purpose. I am also excited about learning world history through the Dojeon teachings. I and others truly look forward to the awakening and expansion of our cosmic
 consciousness through the Dojeon teachings and practices.
 May Sahng-jeh-nim and Tae-mo-nim’s grace shine upon our paths. Peace and love to you all.