Monthly Archives: April 2011

What is Jeung San Do’s holy scriptures?

It is the Dojeon (“Holy Scriptures of Dao”), which presents the lives, work, and words of Sangjenim and of His holy consort and dao successor, Taemonim. Arranged in eleven chapters, the Dojeon spans topics ranging from the principle upon which … Continue reading

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Why did Jeung-san Sangjenim come to earth?

Sangjenim incarnated on earth as the mortal man Gang Jeung-san for the purposes of: curing a monstrous disease born of the strife that had afflicted both heaven and earth; delivering humanity through the coming epoch of cosmic transition known as … Continue reading

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Where is Jeung San Do located?

The headquarters of Jeung San Do is in Taejeon, South Korea, and we have over two hundred dojangs (“dao centers”) throughout South Korea. Also, we have established dojangs overseas in countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, the Philippines, … Continue reading

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When did Jeung San Do come to be?

Jeung-san Sangjenim spread His teachings during His labor of renewing heaven and earth, between 1901 and His ascension to heaven in 1909. The organized movement to disseminate Jeung-san Sangjenim’s teachings began with the efforts of the successor to His dao … Continue reading

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Who was Jeung-san Sangjenim?

Jeung-san Sangjenim (1871-1909) was the mortal incarnation of God
the Ruler, the same supreme being worshipped in Christianity as God, in Buddhism as Maitreya Buddha, and in Daoism and Confucianism as Sangje or Okhwang-Sangje (“Jade Emperor of Heaven”). Continue reading

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What is Jeung San Do?

Jeung San Do (“Dao of Jeung-san”) is the name of both the teachings of
Jeung-san Sangjenim and the organization that spreads His teachings
throughout the world. Continue reading

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